The Happy Heart Project: 100 Days!

“Whoever is happy will make others happy too.  He who has courage and faith will never perish in misery.”  – Anne Frank My whole body is vibrating. Just now, I lit my 100th stick of “Happy Heart” incense and repeated the words I’ve said each morning since August 28th – “My intention today is to…

Be A Yogi

When I graduated from my Yoga Teacher Training at the Integral Yoga Academy, I heard a lot of advice. Make a list of all the potential places you could teach – not just studios, but other spaces. Market your classes in this way or that way. Remember that not all yoga instructors can make a…

WelcomeOmDC Guest Blog, Pt. 2 – Off the Mat Into the World

Still on the fence re: attending Off the Mat, Into the World ™: Yoga, Purpose and Action Weeklong Intensive in DC next week?  Here is Pt. 2 of my guest blog for WelcomeOmDC, illustrating that if you give yourself the gift of the Intensive, OTM will continue to give back to you – so you…

WelcomeOmDC Guest Blog – Off the Mat Into the World

Wishing you wellness! Honored that WelcomeOmDC invited me to write a two-part blog about my experience with Off the Mat Into the World’s “Yoga, Purpose & Action” intensive, coming to DC this March.  (Sponsored by Flow Yoga Center and Anahata Grace.)  Curious what it’s like to practice with OTM co-founders Seane Corn, Hala Khouri and…

In the OM Zone

You can hear the OM sound everywhere. It vibrates every cell in your body. It brings such a nice feeling of peace.  – Swami Satchidananda There are times, at the end of a yoga class, when the closing OM is so sweet I have cried.  And there are times when it is so cacophonous that…

Life on Life’s Terms

I am stretching here. And I don’t mean stretching my body.  I am stretching to find a yogic approach to what I want to share this evening, after months without blogging or sending Yoga Updates to my mailing list or reaching out much at all, really. Somewhere around March I started falling behind on my…


Back on April 8th, I attended a Krishna Das Kirtan concert, where he told an inspiring story about learning to apply himself 100%.  At the time, I was stuck in discernment-process limbo, trying to decide between two career paths.   Should I continue applying for full-time communications jobs, or expand my yoga teaching, music performance/teaching…

Where Was I In January?

Aside from visiting my dad in Nashvegas for his 82nd birthday and diving into a search for full-time Communications work, I spent the month teaching and training. TEACHING To complement their intense season-end meets, I lead yoga classes for the Catholic University swim team (Go Cardinals!).  Cultivating “The Zone” by following yogic principles, we concentrated…