Abundance: Season of Light

A friend recently mentioned Jesus as “the reason for the season;” but these days, I see December in a whole new light. Yes, Christmas is obviously the most widely observed, celebrated and marketed holiday of the month. But as a yogini who thrives on the concept of unity, I choose to set my sights on…

Focus Wrap Up: Abundance

You say you want a resolution? What if, instead of making New Year’s resolutions, we simply decided to make space for whatever comes along? *  *  * What’s the 1st thing that comes to mind when I say “Abundance?” A lot. Having. Fullness. And? Less is more. Giving. Spaciousness. Huh? Yup. *  *  * Great…

Focus: Abundance – Love & Light

I have long believed that people are beautiful beings, inside and out. Our humanness, our perfect imperfection, our state of constant growth gives me faith in the beauty of life as a whole. Tonight a street drunk and I watched a meteor fireball together. I was walking to yoga class when a huge white comet-looking…

Focus: Abundance – Growth

Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, start all over again. – Dorothy Field, 1930s Musical Lyricist When I was around 6 years old, my mom would drive my sisters and I to a farm outside of DC for horseback riding lessons. A few weeks into our series, a horse threw me to the dirt! I…

December Focus: Abundance

Snowflakes are falling on the homepage of WordPress. I’m listening to Arcade Fire’s “Neighborhood #1” in which young lovers dig a tunnel from house to house after the neighborhood is buried in snow. And outside, for real, it’s finally Winter cold. I’m fasting today. Liquids only.* There’s nothing like an empty body for writing about…