How To Keep Living When You Feel Like Dying. Period.

So just how have I kept living despite wanting to die? Through all these years and all the attempts and all these failures and all these ups and downs? After all, I did start by saying that the thought still arises, even after so much work, healing, growth, and change.
For me, the key is asking for and being willing to accept help.

Pick Yourself Up, Dust Yourself Off (from the uyd archives)

November 2014: When I am struggling, friends sometimes say: “Go read your own blog!” Well, this past week has been a doozy of curve balls and losses. I recalled the blog below, from December 2010. I’m a bit embarrassed to share it, because it feels like I’ve been mostly depressed since then! Truth be told, the…

My Father Is My Super Hero

My mother is my Guru.  And my father is my Super Hero. You may have read my blog about Mom being my greatest teacher.  I’ve re-posted it on her birthday, her death anniversary and Mother’s Day… Why have I not celebrated Dad in a blog?  The man has supported me – carried me, really –…

Love: Anger’s Remedy

LOVE: Brief (and maybe not so brief) explorations for our February class focus.  The final word… *  *  * So.  I’ve been getting these Ayurvedic massages.  To address the pent-up anger and stress I’ve been blogging about. Clearly, it’s working.  After last week’s session, I could not even make it to my own front door…

Full of Shift: 30 Days of New Energy – Week One

I like to say that my personal brand slogan is “Nothing To Hide.” In this blog, I’ve shared about addiction and recovery, violations and PTSD, yoga and non-violence, depression and celebrations, challenges and solutions.  Because I have thankfully found my way (and been helped) through a great deal of hardship in life, I like to…

20 Years of Yoga. 10 Years of Recovery. 1 Day at a Time.

Over the past 20 years, yoga has changed me. This journey of cultivating a constructive way of living has guided me through many styles and teachers, many stops and starts, and many hard-learned lessons. When I first started practicing in 1993, the transformation felt quick and intense. My insides were uprooted and exposed. I started…

A Jewish Yogini at Midnight Mass

24 December, 2009, 1pm I have Christmas fever!  The spiritual kind, not the shopping kind.  I mean, this is big.  What a beautiful ritual to acknowledge the birth of Jesus – or as Isaiah says, “the wonderful, the counselor, the prince of peace.”  An all around GOOD guy. To me, Jesus represents the ultimate human…