Clearing the Obstacles

I am sorry to hear your pain.  You are a wonderful human being and deserve tranquility, peace, and love.  I would suggest that you stay focused on what is good for YOU, rest will follow.  –  letter from a friend This quote sounds like something I would say to a student or friend.  Instead, it…

Focus Wrap Up: Back to Basics

Over the weekend I taught the final classes in our January Back to Basics focus. To complement our fine-tuning of alignment, review of three-part breathing and return to proper resting, these last sessions invited students to deepen their commitment to setting an intention. Personally, I can’t imagine getting on the mat without exploring some kind…

Focus Wrap Up: Yoga In Action

To wind up our September/October class focus of “Yoga In Action,” we are expressing appreciation for noble acts of service through Pranayama and Asana. Whether your service occurs within your family, your workplace, your community or otherwise, please take some time to breath deeply into your beautiful, generous heart center and celebrate your efforts.  Lift…

God Rest Ye

…Merry Yogis and Yoginis! So, we’re winding down our November and December class focus of “Rest.”  We’ve spent two months exploring yoga’s balance of effort and ease.  We fine-tuned our Asanam to the “nth” degree, soothed our nervous systems with Pranayama and rested flat on our backs to some pretty Yoga Nidra songs. In addition,…

Comfort Songs for a Restful Holiday Season

Sorry, my dears, you’ll find neither Christmas Carols nor Hanukkah Songs on this list. These are the Comfort Songs.  The songs that say, “Everything’s gonna be OK,” “I understand” and “I’ll be there for you.”  The songs that paint rich pictures, give you permission to slow down, warm a snowy day and complement clouds, mist…


Again, a yoga class moved me to tears. Tonight’s closing “OMMMMMMM” had the sweetness and harmony of a lullaby.  It hummed out to the universe to join the OMs I’ve heard in other teachers’ classes lately (thanks, Jenn).  Perhaps there’s something about a mid-holiday season yoga class that releases the peace from students’ souls.  It…

Firm and Pleasant

“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.  Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.  The winds will blow their own freshness into you…while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.”  – John Muir This morning a group of students and staff from Past Tense Studio (see “Services” page) went for…