My Father Is My Super Hero

My mother is my Guru.  And my father is my Super Hero. You may have read my blog about Mom being my greatest teacher.  I’ve re-posted it on her birthday, her death anniversary and Mother’s Day… Why have I not celebrated Dad in a blog?  The man has supported me – carried me, really –…

Be My Valentine

It’s amazing how far from my own heart I can wander.  And not even know.  Until a massage therapist hunts me down and kindly reunites us. “Come back to your heart, Holly.” The heart does not go anywhere! It’s right there, in my chest; it’s right there, with my head; it’s there, around and within…

Surrender, Recovery and Death

“OUR TIME ON THIS EARTH IS SACRED, AND WE SHOULD CELEBRATE EVERY MOMENT.” ~ Paolo Coelho This morning I am saying goodbye to a treasured DC friend, Sovani Meksvanh. Since before Christmas, I have been posting on my personal and Urban Yoga Den Facebook pages about his battle with late-stage cancer, and how touched I’ve…

Love: Anger’s Remedy

LOVE: Brief (and maybe not so brief) explorations for our February class focus.  The final word… *  *  * So.  I’ve been getting these Ayurvedic massages.  To address the pent-up anger and stress I’ve been blogging about. Clearly, it’s working.  After last week’s session, I could not even make it to my own front door…

Not Love: Anger

LOVE: Brief (and maybe not so brief) explorations for our February class focus.  (Or maybe not.) *  *  * I am sooooo tired of my brain right now. Tired of flip-flopping between compassion/anger, yoga/rawness, awakened/avoidance, should/shouldn’t.  Yesterday afternoon I was verbally attacked by someone who was obviously stressed before our encounter, poised to pounce and…

Love: Yourself

LOVE: Brief (and maybe not so brief) explorations for our February class focus. *  *  * My therapist says that I am courageous for what I admit.  For facing my shame, my anger, my mistakes.  For requesting face-to-face communication with those I’ve hurt.  For writing letters where that is not possible…for them or perhaps for…

Love: The Privilege of Teaching Yoga

LOVE: Brief (and maybe not so brief) explorations for our February class focus. *  *  * It is a privilege to teach yoga. It is a great responsibility to hold space for others.  For those who so courageously walk through the door, enter the room, step onto on the mat.  Who surrender themselves to be…

The Yoga of Heartbreak

Four years ago I was dumped.  Just days before Valentine’s Day.  Right before our one-year anniversary vacation.  By phone.  And quite by surprise. By his design, we would never speak to or see each other again. Bewildered, unable to sleep and eat, and clawing for some sort of sanity, I made my way back to…

My Mother is My Guru

Mom’s been on my mind a lot lately. And y’know, it makes sense.  I’ve been singing a lot (my mother taught me to sing).  It’s Autumn (October 2nd would have been her 81st birthday).  Thanksgiving is approaching (my family celebrated our last holiday season with Mom 10 years ago).  And I recently celebrated my 9th…

Clearing the Obstacles

I am sorry to hear your pain.  You are a wonderful human being and deserve tranquility, peace, and love.  I would suggest that you stay focused on what is good for YOU, rest will follow.  –  letter from a friend This quote sounds like something I would say to a student or friend.  Instead, it…