Pick Yourself Up, Dust Yourself Off (from the uyd archives)

November 2014: When I am struggling, friends sometimes say: “Go read your own blog!” Well, this past week has been a doozy of curve balls and losses. I recalled the blog below, from December 2010. I’m a bit embarrassed to share it, because it feels like I’ve been mostly depressed since then! Truth be told, the…


“We cast into the depths of the sea Our sins, and failures, and regrets. Reflections of our imperfect selves Flow away. What can we bear, With what can we part? We upturn the darkness, Bring what is buried to light. What hurts still lodge, What wounds have yet to heal? We empty our hands, Release…

Turning, Churning & Balance

“Life is to challenge you with its ups and downs. Ride over them without losing your balance.” – Sri Swami Satchidananda What a beautiful week of teaching at my fave neighborhood studios, Embrace (Adams Morgan, DC) and Past Tense (Mt. Pleasant, DC), beginning last Saturday and wrapping up this morning. Students are so darn devoted…

Yoga Class Focus: The Freedom to Heal

Make space. Clear the way. Widen the paths. And in this liberation…heal. The theme of my July classes was FREEDOM; and we kicked off our month of focused practices with a special “Declaration of Independence” workshop.  I teach this July 4th workshop annually; and each year, I’ve approached the session with a hint of motivational speaker…

How May I Serve You?

“For as long as space endures and the world exists, may my own existence bring about the end of suffering in the world.” – Shantideva (8th Century Indian Buddhist Scholar) *  *  * I’ve written countless blogs, posts, comments and remarks about suicide, addiction, depression and trauma. I’ve described how the power-trio of recovery programs,…

Yoga Class Focus: Foundations for Freedom

During June, my class focus was “Foundations.” I told students that I felt like I was starting over as a teacher, after a 7-month absence from the Washington, DC yoga community. So together, we started from scratch. Each practice, we arrived together. With the Eight Limbs as our guide, we observed and then shaped our…

Jumping Off Of Bridges (From The UYD Archives)

19 JUNE, 2014 A couple of months ago, I heard about a California yoga teacher trainee who committed suicide. Everyone in her yoga circle was completely shocked. They said there were no signs… Last week, I received a gutsy, honest message on my Urban Yoga Den Facebook page about my “Jumping Off Of Bridges” post from March…

My Father Is My Super Hero

My mother is my Guru.  And my father is my Super Hero. You may have read my blog about Mom being my greatest teacher.  I’ve re-posted it on her birthday, her death anniversary and Mother’s Day… Why have I not celebrated Dad in a blog?  The man has supported me – carried me, really –…

Deflated Balloons & Silver Linings

I once heard an elder in recovery share that, when consumed by great emotion, it’s essential to “stick a pin in it” by sharing. I’ve followed suit ever since. For me, to harbor negative emotions is to go toward a drink. As a recovering addict, to drink is to die. So, being open and honest is essential….

It’s A Family Affair

“To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right.”  ~ Confucius I have written and re-written…